Senin, 17 Mei 2010


yaa kenapa masih banyak orang yang ngga percaya evolusi ya? gw suka bingung dengan alesan alesan mereka. gw juga bingung kenapa guru biologi gw bahkan menentang evolusi. tapi kemungkinan besar alesannya sih karna ngga terima kita itu kerabat simpanse, tapi kalo gitu kenapa kita megakui bahwa kita itu mammals? paradox jadinya.

next post gw bakal nulis soal miskonsepsi miskonsepsi orang orang tentang evolusi dan di mana letak kesalahannya. hehe latihan sebelum nulis essay buat Stanford. :)

Jumat, 07 Mei 2010

triple kill

TRIPLE KILL! 3 tes universitas gagal, USM 1 SMUP SIMAK

I felt the worst feeling in my entire life, but few seconds later, I think, there are always be peoples who feel the worse. Somewhere always be people who feel they are the biggest looser. There always be people who fail fail and fail again, but they never give up.

Dad said, I have to go to university this YEAR! Yes dad, have you ever felt like this? Have you?

I'm not giving up, it's just a frustration end up in my head. I don't know what I suppose to do. Give me time to think
But, I always have a reason for every thing I do, I did, I've done..

actually I want to ask Steve Jobs. Ask him, if he were me, what he would do?

Making your mark on the world is hard. If it were easy, everybody would do it. But it's not. It takes patience, it takes commitment, and it comes with plenty of failure along the way.

Yes it is.

Mom, dad, I have a reason for every thing I do, please be calm.

Selasa, 04 Mei 2010

a bit misconception about logic

nah, gw juga baru 'ngeh' nih soal yang satu ini.
soal logika preposisi. pasti banyak juga orang yang ngga terlalu peduli sama hal yang satu ini. tapi efeknya parrah banget loh, bisa mempengaruhi paradigma dalam pengambilan asumsi.

di buku logic yang gw baca, ada satu hal yang menarik perhatian. ada pertentangan antara Boolean sama Aristotle
misal gw bilang
"semua kucing adalah mamalia", kesimpulannya
"ada kucing yang mamalia"

valid atau invalid?
nah pertentangan antara Boolean sama Aristotle disini. Aristotle bilang statement diatas valid, tapi Boolean bilang statement itu invalid. nah lho. kenapa bisa gitu? ok, liat statement ke 2

"semua unicorn adalah binatang"
"ada unicorn yang binatang"

both Boolean and Aristotle say it is invalid. nah di sini Aristotle ngga konsisten. secara struktur logic kedua statement sama, memang kalo secara fakta beda.
statement pertama emang terlihat valid, karna emang bener, kucing itu mamalia, dan nyatanya emang ada kucing yang mamalia, dan memang, conditionally valid. but, we lack sufficient information about the meaning of the premise to tell which is the case. jadi dua statement di atas sebenernya ngga bisa diambil kesimpulan apa apa.
coba liat statement yang ke2.
semua unicorn adalah binatang, maka ada unicorn yang binatang, nah, emang ada unicorn? itu kan cuma dongeng hehe.
Aristotle standpoint ngga bisa mengatasi preposisi yang "ngga ada" atau do not exist, dia mengadopsi dari hal hal yang ada dan nyata, tapi ngga mencakup preposisi preposisi yang imajiner seperti statement ke2
ini namanya existencial fallacy by the way, it commits when we presuppose that a class has members even when we are not explicitly told so; that is, we assume that the class has existential import

so the conclusion is,
All S are P doesn't not guarantee there is exist a S which is P


how about Nothing is impossible? or there is nothing impossible?
the statement means All things are possible isn't it? so that does not guarentee there is exist a thing which is possible, right? haha yes, it is right, with condition that nothing is a kind of matter. or kind of 'thing'

it's just another of my freaky thoughts :P

Sekolah itu lembaga pedidikan, bukan pengajaran

Senin, 03 Mei 2010

my heart will never be your home

sambil nunggu pengumuman UNPAD yang ngga juga keluar keluar, gw dengerin lagu lagu oasis. lagu lagunya terdengar oldies dan classic. enak abis.
ini lagu favorit gw, Stand By Me, yang gw rasa sekarang cocok untuk didengarkan seseorang, karna lagu ini lagi "dia" banget. hehehe still saying sorry for you dude.

Made a meal and threw it up on sunday,
I’ve, got a lot of things to learn,
Said I would and I'll be leaving one day
Before my heart starts to burn.

So what’s the matter with you,
Sing me something new,
Don’t you know the cold and wind and rain don’t know,
They only seem to come and go, away.

Times are hard when things have got no meaning,
I’ve found a key upon the floor,
Maybe you and I will not believe in,
The things we find behind the door.

So what’s the matter with you,
Sing me something new,
Don’t you know the cold and wind and rain don’t know,
They only seem to come and go away.

Stand by me,
Nobody knows the way it’s gonna be,
Stand by me,
Nobody knows the way it’s gonna be,
Stand by me,
Nobody knows the way it’s gonna be,
Stand by me,
Nobody knows,
Yeah nobody knows,
The way it’s gonna be.

If your leaving will you take me with you,
I’m tired of talking on my phone,
There is one thing I can never give you,
My heart will never be your home,

So what’s the matter with you,
Sing me something new,
Don’t you know the cold and wind and rain don’t know,
They only seem to come and go, away.

Stand by me,
Nobody knows the way it’s gonna be,
Stand by me,
Nobody knows the way it’s gonna be,
Stand by me,
Nobody knows the way it’s gonna be,
Stand by me,
Nobody knows, yeah nobody knows,
The way it’s gonna be.

The way it’s gonna be, yeah.
Maybe I can see, yeah,
But don’t you know the cold and wind and rain don’t know
They only seem to come and go, away.

Stand by me,
Nobody knows the way it’s gonna be,
Stand by me,
Nobody knows the way it’s gonna be,
Stand by me,
Nobody knows the way it’s gonna be,
Stand by me,
Nobody knows,
Yeah God only knows,
The way it’s gonna be.

Idiot Box

it's a murral. i made it in the boring-wall beside my house

You keep your money and I'll spray my wall
You can't make of think like you, idiot
Don't tell of the fallacies and all those fucking idiot shows
Lifestyle of the rich and famous
Fake drama, fake life
My glisten eye ache, hurt
They can't etch his words inside my brain

Tell me what to believe
When all lies that you showed me
Oh idiot, idiot box
I'll burn you to hell. Burst you to death

Listen up human
It's time to step away from the
cable train
Them we'll finally see the subtle light
Give me, give me..
Evolution will begin
To let us live and reborn, born again

I hold
grenade grenade on my left hand
Goodbye, I've gotta rid myself of this idiot box
Help of plant a bomb in this idiot box
From the depths of the sea and the tops of tree
To the seat of a lazy any staring at a silver screen

I've gotta explode this box
This idiot box

I gotta burn this box of lies
This idiot box

When we are all just stuck on this fake life, fake smile.
Fuck get em' out my head, my head

Let us live and recreate, create again
Out of this idiot
Idiot box

A Lovely Sweet

an ordinary lazy day Sketch.
a new sketchbook from Dimas Angga, as a birthday present. :)
thank you dude, it's kinda cool stuff-that-i-was-intended-to-buy-it-after-exam-before-birthday

waiting game

ahhh.. i always hate this part. yeah. nungguin pengumuman, emang hal yang paling ngga enak sedunia. apalagi kalo jawabannya "Anda tidak diterima" grrr.. udah sering sih, jadi udah kebal, tapi tetep aja nyesek. hahaha paradox
ok jam 00.00 nanti ada pengumuman UNPAD, gw milih Hubungan Internasional sama Psikologi. bukan tujuan utama memang. dan gw kadang suka kesel ART major di Indonesia terbatas di beberapa universitas aja.
sambil nunggu gw akan mengupload beberapa artwork terbaru. sambil dengerin si Sabda mainin lagu Enter Sandman. Rocks the Night yeah!!!

have a nice night :)

Sabtu, 01 Mei 2010

It is really..

Hari ini lagi ga mood, kepikiran soal kuliah yang belum beres beres juga. Dan sekarang mulai kepikiran, tetap pada idealisme atau mulai "realistis". Well, ini tahun kedua. Setahun ini udah idealis dengan memilih tetep ngejar ITB dan les setahun. Ok. Sebelum hari pengumuman semuanya berjalan menyenangkan menyenangkan aja. Setelah itu gw juga masi merasa "bisa coba lagi", tapi selama 2 minggu ini kayak ngga ada semangat seperti sebelum USM 1 yang menggebu gebu. Ditambah sekarang udah ngga ngekos, jadi waktu untuk sendiri, berpikir, motivasi diri sendiri, ngomong sama Brainpo, udah hampir ngga ada. Dan ngga enaknya, setiap ketemu nyokap, ngeliat bokap yang udah lanjut usia, dan ade gw, selalu ada guilty feeling. Ini yang paling ngga enak sebenernya.

Hari ini, entah apa yang gw pikirkan, terbersit di otak untuk ngga ngejar ITB lagi. The hardest decision, perhaps. Tapi terus gw mau kemana? Entah.
Universitas yang ada art major cuma di sana, selain itu gw ngga dapet izin. Mimpi yang baru ada di Princeton university, tapi seems so surreal. Gw juga aneh sama diri gw hari ini, kenapa jadi pesimis sih?
Psikotes, yeah. Kemungkinan besar gw ngga diterima karena itu. Mau gimana? Apa yang mau ditingkatin? Apa yang mau diubah dari diri gw dalam kurang dari sebulan?

I'm sorry mom for being so idealistic.
Untuk menerima apa yang tidak gw mau bukan hal yang gampang. Yeah.

And I still have no purpose to go to university.
Haaaaah, rasanya pengen pergi kesuatu tempat yang sepi, bisa sekedar merenung, teriak, atau mungkin nangis.

Terkadang gw ngerasa, apa gw terlalu menanggung semua sendirian? Dan ga punya orang untuk diceritakan, bahkan itu nyokap gw sendiri?

Brainpo, let's make a deal here.
What do you want? And what do I want?
Are we in harmony?
What do you need? And what do I need?
Are they in harmony?
Are they appropriate to each other?

And what is the reason? What is the purpose?
How will we get there?

And what happen to you? What happen to me? What's wrong with us?
Let's be a great partner like two months ago.
Doing what we like to live a life

Are you frustrated? Me too, dude.
But the greatest danger for us is not that we aim too high and we miss it, but we aim too low and reach it.
Let's tart by doing what is necessary, then do what is possible, and suddenly we are doing the impossible


And Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony - Mahatma Gandhi